Breaking Bad Habits: 3 Things to Avoid with Dental Implants

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nepeandentcentre @ 5:52 pm
Shiny white 3D image of a dental implant

If you’ve just had dental implants placed, you’re probably thrilled that soon your newly perfected smile will heal and you can enjoy the many benefits they provide. They’re the only option that’s inserted into your jaw to function like a natural tooth as well as restore your appearance. On top of that, they have an incredibly high success rate of 95% and can last decades if cared for properly.

That said, there are ways that dental implants aren’t entirely impervious to harm. Many patients don’t realize that some of their daily habits might be putting their restoration at risk. Keep reading to learn 3 bad habits to avoid to keep yours healthy!

Bad Habit #1: Using Tobacco Products

You probably already know some of the bodily risks that come with smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, but you may not have realized they’re just as detrimental to your oral well-being. The nicotine content reduces the oxygen levels in your blood in addition to limiting its flow. That means your body is less able to deliver essential nutrients to your teeth and gums.

It’s particularly risky to use tobacco immediately after implant surgery, and so many patients quit until their mouth fully heals. Even if you wait until you’re entirely recovered, your dental work can fail if you use tobacco products. For both your general and dental health, it’s best to drop this habit altogether.

Bad Habit #2: Eating Too Much Sugar

Many patients correctly believe that because their false tooth isn’t comprised of organic materials, it cannot get a cavity. While that’s true of the dental implant, it’s not true for the rest of your teeth. Eating sugary foods attracts dangerous bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

Furthermore, it’s still possible to get an infection under or around your restoration. If left untreated, it could progress and eventually deteriorate your jawbone to the point that it becomes too weak to sustain your teeth. For your dental implants to have the best chance of success, try reducing your sugar consumption. Both your grin and your waistline will thank you!

Bad Habit #3: Forgetting Dental Hygiene

It’s tempting to go straight to bed after a long day without brushing your teeth, but you’re not doing yourself any favors if you do. To keep your dental implants in tip-top shape, it’s imperative that you brush and floss twice every day. Otherwise, leftover particles from the foods you eat can attract germs that can flourish and cause problems. You could develop tooth sensitivity, decay, receding gums, chronic bad breath, and even additional tooth loss. Following a regular regimen keeps your mouth clear of harmful microbes that could lead to dental implant failure, among many other issues.

By dropping these bad habits, you’re less likely to develop any issues that might harm your dental implants. That means you’ll preserve your perfect smile for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Gus Bal enjoys restoring patients’ quality of life by enhancing their oral well-being. He graduated from Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine and then completed a fellowship in Implant Dentistry at New York University. He’s able to provide every step of the implant process, including surgery, in-house so you don’t have to worry about outside referrals. You’re welcome to request a consultation on the website or by calling (613) 800-1800.

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